
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

More Injurys, or More Technology?

As my orthopedist told me about my injury, he repeatively said that this injury was epidemic now. He had seen a girl with the same injury that same morning. And he operated on the same injury the day before. But the question that strikes me is, are we seeing more injurys or are just now able to see these things with the technology we now have. I had to get 3 x-rays, 2 MRI's and a catscan. If I did not get a catscan they would never have known that I have this problum. 15 or 20 years ago, if you had a bad back people said rest it till it's better, now we have this technology to see what's really wrong, more and more things are wrong only because we can see them. But the question still remains, more injurys, or more technology?

Comment! :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Why I'm Doing This

Hey! My names Anthony and my summer is destroyed by a back injury received while playing lacrosse. Apparently, i fractured a lower spinal plate in three places including both sides and the center. I was given 3 options to what i could do to heal this problem.
1) Rest for 4 months
2) Rest with brace for 4 months
3 Surgery
Obviously, i picked option one. Not knowing how unbearable it really would be. I am a extremely active person. I hate video games and love to run and work out. So the intructions the doctor gave me were more painful than the injury. He instructed that i do NOTHING. I ask if i can do this or that but i got the same response every time, nothing. He says to sit on the couch and play video games all summer. Now, with that being extremely difficult for me to do, I have started this blog to write about sports injurys and coincidental accidents.